PR-251, Km 2.2 (Interior), Sector Tamarindo,
Barrio Flamenco, Culebra, PR 00775

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View from the

Blissful view from one of the buildings at Parcela D. Similar views may be enjoyed throughout the 24-acre property,
and may get even more spectacular from the property's higher elevations, up to 350 feet. Click on the photo to enlarge.

This property is not subject to coastal erosion, partly because the Luis Peña Cay shields it from
 westerly ocean surge, Culebra Island protects it from the prevailing easterly ocean waves,
and the ocean waters by the 24-acre Parcela D are typically very calm year-round..

Trail shaded
                          by vegetation along the strip of land located
                          between the beach and the lagoon.
Click on image to zoom in. Beautiful trail shaded by vegetation along the strip of property located between the beach and the lagoon.
View from one of the
View from one of the apartments. Luis Peña Cay is in the background.

View from one of the apts.
Beautiful view from one of the apartments in the 24-acre property. Luis Peña Cay is in the background. Anchored on the Luis Peña Channel
 is the renowned 417-foot KORA, the tallest sailing yacht in the world, and its support motor vessel ABEONA.

Waterfront of the lot.

Laguna Cornelio is part of Parcela D.
The lagoon is shallow and fills with rainwater from the neighboring hills

Luis Peña
Luis Peña Channel

LEYES 20, 22 Y 60.

Parcela D shown in the below survey plan is the 24-acre lot offered here for sale. It is a unique waterfront, very beautiful, secluded, and titled property, in an exclusive neighborhood of Culebra, PR, ideal to build your dream mansion, and/or residential-touristic development, and/or keep it for investment purposes. The private road located within Parcela D, shown on the below survey map, runs northerly along its length, from the shoreline at sea level up to 350 ft. elevations, where exhilarating views are attainable. The property has over 750 linear feet of oceanfront.

No Coastal Erosion:

This property is not subject to coastal erosion, partly because the Luis Peña Cay shields it from westerly ocean surge and Culebra Island protects it from the prevailing easterly ocean waves, and the ocean waters by the 24-acre Parcela D are typically very calm year-round..

Lot size and Price: 24.275 acres (= 25 cuerdas*), 98,259.8906 sq. mts.; $5,800,000.
Parcela D Zoning: R0-5C allows 5-cuerdas size lots (4.855 acres)
Property taxes: CRIM approx. $1,700.00/yr. - CRIM lot # 472-000-010-18.
Barrio Flamenco, Sector Tamarindo, Culebra, PR 00775

Regarding uses contemplated in the R0-5C zoning, go to Note 1*, below.

The 24-acre Parcela D, duly recorded at the Registry of Property at Fajardo, PR, includes 2 structures, with three 1-BR interconnecting kitchen-equipped apartments in each bldg., for a total of 6 apartments. Each of the 1-BR apts. has a 100-Amps meter. The apartments are served by city water, and its septic system is private. Total floor area of the 2 buildings is 2,880 sq. ft. The structures are partially concrete with treated wood and zinc galvalume roofing materials. The apartments have been offered for many years on short-term rentals by Tamarindo Estates Beach Apts.,
For a Drone Video of the Tamarindo Estates Beach Apts., please use the following link:
Tamarindo Estates video Logo

Private snorkeling beach: Very few outsiders venture into the shoreline where Parcela D is because a promontory and the natural topography discourages these visitors.

Calm crystaline waters: Due to the surrounding topography and the Luis Peña Cay, the ocean waters by Parcela D are typically very calm year-round.

Snorkeling and walk-in scuba: In front of Parcela D you find one of the best snorkeling spots in Culebra, easily reachable by a short swim away from the shoreline. Walk-in scuba is also possible.

Road access from Parcela D to state road PR-251
: Drive from Parcela D westerly along a private right-of-way across Parcela C, shown with red lines in the below survey plan, and then keep driving on the municipality paved road for about 3/4 miles to reach PR-251.
The owner of Parcela D has lived on Parcela C for over 35 years. He is presently retired and temporarily plans on keeping his short-term apartment rental business closed. He is looking forward to meet and welcome the new owners of Parcela D.

Parcela D land survey.
 The 24-acre Parcela D is shown above, shaded in green. Click on the image to enlarge.

                -Cuadrángulo Culebra
Location of the 24-acre Parcela D.
                Calificacion R0-5C
Calificación (Zoning) shown for
Parcela D: R0-5C, 5-cuerda lots.

Google Earth 1994
Google Earth 1994 Image. Parcela D, marked by yellow lines. Click on the image to enlarge.
Google Earth 2018
Google Earth 2018 Culebra Image. Parcela D, marked by yellow lines. Click on the image to enlarge.

Drone pict.
Partial view of Parcela D, shown within the yellow lines in this drone photo.
Click on the photo to enlarge.
Drone pict.
Partial view of Parcela D, within the yellow lines in this drone photo.
Click on the photo to enlarge.
Done pict.
Partial view of Parcela D, shown within the yellow lines in this drone photo.
Click on the photo to enlarge.

Internal roads within
          Parcel D
Photos show a Suzuki Samurai jeep on the private road within the 24-acre Parcela D. The road runs northerly across the length of Parcela D, from sea level up to its highest elevations of about 350 ft. At the higher elevations you may enjoy really exceptional views..

200 Bldg.
Within the 200 Bldg. at Parcela D are 3 interconnecting 1-BR kitchen-equipped apartments.
300 Bldg.
Within the 300 Bldg. at Parcela D are 3 interconnecting 1-BR kitchen-equipped apartments.
200 Bldg.
The 200 Bldg. at Parcela D.
300 Bldg.
The 300 Bldg. at Parcela D.
Each of the 200 and 300 buildings consists of three (3) interconnecting 1-BR apartments and a 1,440 sq. ft. floor plan. Both buildings have similar floor plans.

Right-of-way over Parcela C to provide
vehicular access to/from Parcela D.

Road access to 200 and 300 bldgs.

Road access to 200 and 300 bldgs.

Road access to 200 and 300 bldgs.

Road access to 200 and 300 bldgs.

The 200 Bldg. Click on image to zoom in.

The 300 Bldg. Click on image to zoom in.

Approximate Property Boundaries
Approximate Property Boundaries

Marine life next to Parcel D

The underwater photos were taken just off Parcela D on the Luis Peña Channel.
They were provided by rental guests that were vacationing at the Tamarindo Estates Beach Apts.

Marine Life Next to Parcel
Underwater photos were taken just off Parcela D.
Photos were provided by guests that were staying at the Tamarindo Estates Beach Apts.

Laguna Cornelio
Good amount of nourishing mangrove on the edge of the lagoon, helps with the feeding and protection of birds and other wildlife.
Laguna Cornelio
Cornelio Lagoon, above, is part of Parcela D. Usually the lagoon is filled with rain water; it is shown here in a year of little rainfall. The fence marks the property line on the east side of Parcela D.
Laguna Cornelio
Cornelio lagoon, shown above, was partially full.
Laguna Cornelio
Kids from family friends playing and
running, enjoying the lagoon.


You might be interested in information on the following topics:

Snorkeling and shells in the Tamarindo region:

Bird watching in Culebra: and

Scuba diving in Culebra:

Things to do in Culebra:

BUYING A HOME AND RELOCATING TO PUERTO RICO you could significantly improve your lifestyle, enjoy a beautiful weather and Puerto Rico's live Caribbean culture, also their noted gastronomy, the relatively low cost of living, and take advantage of many tax incentives programs providing very low or no taxes under PR Act 60. For more information, please click here.


* Actual survey size of this land is 25 cuerdas. One (1) cuerda is referred to by some mainlanders, as a "Spanish acre". A cuerda is 0.971 acre = 3,930.40 m2.

1* Land Use as per Culebra's POT, Plan de Ordenamiento Territorial



NOTE: CDAS.= Cuerdas


Section 2.4.1. Purpose of District R0-5C


This low-density district is established to allow residential, tourist and vacation developments of medium size, maintaining the character of the Isla Municipio de Culebra and preserving the natural environment.


Section 2.4.2 Uses in R0-5C Districts


In the R0-5C districts the land or buildings shall be used for the purposes set out below:


A. House of one or two families for permanent housing, residential vacation or recreation.


B. Permanent, holiday or recreational residential housing of two (2) or more related cluster residences.


C. Ecotourism projects that comply with the guidelines, rules or standards of an accredited entity, association or body to establish regulation for these purposes.


D. Expansion of inns, hotels, lodgings and any other activities or existing tourist facilities that meet the density parameters for this district.


E. New inn projects, hotels, lodgings and any other activity or tourist facilities that are authorized by the Adjudicative Board and that the depth of all front, back and width of all side patio is not less than fifteen (15) meters. They must also have the recommendation of the Tourism Company.


F. Other uses via exceptions to this Special Regulation, variation in use or by location consultation, provided that they have the recommendation of the Authority for the Conservation and Development of Culebra.


Section 2.4.3 Buildings and Accessory Uses in RO-5C Districts


Buildings and ancillary uses shall comply with the provisions of the relevant Chapter of the Joint Regulation (Reglamento Conjunto).


Section 2.4.4 Parameters in R0-5C Districts




Projects of two (2) or more residences shall be developed with the construction of group residences (clusters), maintaining the density of five (5) units per lot of (5) cuerdas.


In the case of lots of less than five (5) cuerdas, the density may be pro-rated provided that it is never less than one residence per cuerda. Buildings or plants of buildings occupied or used for a single household shall have functionally inter related units for the exclusive use of one family.


For Ecotourism Projects, eight (8) rooms per cuerda will be allowed.


For Posadas projects, hotels and hostelry, six (6) rooms per cuerda will be allowed.




It will depend on the use to be given to the structure, which must be according to the uses allowed in R0-5C Districts.


For lots of not less than 600 square meters of residential use, the occupancy area per residence shall not exceed 400 square meters per household.


For lots of less than 600 square meters of residential use, the occupancy area shall not exceed fifty (50%) per cent of the area of the lot.


The total occupancy area for cluster grouped residences and other permitted uses shall not exceed 25 (25%) percent of the size of the site.




A gross floor area of not more than 100% of the lot area, or three hundred square meters, whichever is larger, will be allowed on lots of less than 600 square meters.


For newly-forming lots which meet the minimum size required, or existing lots of not less than 600 square metres:


Under no circumstances will the gross floor area exceed two (2) times the permitted occupancy area. No residential structure for a family shall exceed 500 square meters of gross floor area.


In the case of group residences (clusters), gross floor area will not exceed 15 percent (15%) of the lot size.



Sección 2.4.1.      Propósito del Distrito R0-5C
Este distrito de baja densidad poblacional, se establece para permitir desarrollos de residenciales, turísticos y vacacionales de mediano tamaño, manteniendo el carácter de la Isla Municipio de Culebra y conservando el ambiente natural.

Sección 2.4.2    Usos en Distritos R0-5C
En los distritos R0-5C se usarán los terrenos o edificios para los fines expuestos a continuación:
a.    Casa de una o dos familias para vivienda permanente, residencial vacacional o recreacional.
b.    Vivienda permanente, residencial vacacional o recreacional de dos (2) o más residencias relacionadas en tipo cluster.
c.    Proyectos ecoturísticos que sean conformes a las guías, reglas o estándares de alguna entidad, asociación u organismo acreditado para establecer regulación a estos fines.
d.    Ampliaciones de posadas, hoteles, hospederías y cualquier otra actividad o facilidades turísticas existentes que cumplan con los parámetros de densidad para este distrito.
e.    Proyectos nuevos de posadas, hoteles, hospederías y cualquier otra actividad o facilidades turísticas que sean autorizados por la Junta Adjudicativa y que el fondo de todo patio delantero, posterior y el ancho de todo patio lateral no sea menor de quince (15) metros. Deben, además, contar con la recomendación de la Compañía de Turismo.
f.    Otros usos vía excepciones de este Reglamento Especial, variación en uso o mediante consulta de ubicación, siempre que cuenten con la recomendación de la Autoridad de Conservación y Desarrollo de Culebra.

Sección 2.4.3    Edificios y Usos Accesorios en Distritos RO-5C
Los edificios y usos accesorios se ajustarán a las disposiciones del Capítulo correspondiente del Reglamento Conjunto.
Sección 2.4.4    Parámetros en Distritos R0-5C

Proyectos de dos (2) o más residencias se desarrollarán mediante la construcción de residencias en grupos (clusters), manteniendo la densidad de cinco (5) unidades por cada solar de (5) cuerdas.

En casos de solares menores de cinco (5) cuerdas podrá prorratearse la densidad siempre y cuando nunca sea menor de una residencia por cuerda. Edificios o plantas de edificios ocupados o usados para una sola vivienda tendrán sus dependencias funcionalmente relacionadas entre sí para uso exclusivo de una familia.

Para Proyectos Ecoturísticos se permitirán ocho (8) habitaciones por cuerda.

Para proyectos de Posadas, hoteles y hospederías se permitirán seis (6) habitaciones por cuerda.

Dependerá del uso a darse a la estructura, el cual deberá ser conforme a los usos permitidos en Distritos R0-5C.

Para solares no menores de 600 metros cuadrados de uso residencial el área de ocupación por residencia no excederá de 400 metros cuadrados por vivienda.

En solares menores de 600 metros cuadrados se permitirá un área de ocupación no mayor del cincuenta (50%) por ciento del área del solar.

El total del área de ocupación para residencias agrupadas tipo cluster y otros usos permitidos no excederá el veinticinco (25%) por ciento del solar.

En solares menores de 600 metros cuadrados se permitirá un área bruta de piso no mayor del 100% del área del solar o de trescientos metros cuadrados, cual resultare mayor.

Para solares de formación nueva que cumplan con la cabida mínima o existentes que no sean menores de 600 metros cuadrados:

En ningún caso el área bruta de piso excederá de dos (2) veces el área de ocupación permitida.Ninguna estructura residencial para una familia excederá de 500 metros cuadrados de área bruta de piso.

En casos de residencias en grupo (clusters), no excederá el quince (15%) por ciento del solar.
